B.W. Stetson has been delivering top quality water and coffee to South Jersey since 1954. The company has a rich history and is well known for great service. Recently, B.W. Stetson has begun to re-invent itself, combining its great past with a bright future. Part of that new future is many things, like improved products and servicse, a new found re-invigoration and an all new web and graphic image. That is where Big Thimble Media comes in.

New B.W. Stetson owner and C.E.O., Bruce Benton, contacted Big Thimble Media and stated that the legendary company needed a new on-line image. We were all in. After meeting and deciding on a direction, the Big Thimble team created a framework to present to Mr. Benton. The goal was to design a web presence that let everyone know that the company was moving into the future but still embracing its past and connection to the Southern New Jersey community.

The first version was presented to the B.W. Stetson management about a week ago and was a resounding success. The all new site is informative, precise and designed in a responsive framework so as to be effective on all devices. A few minor changes and the all new B.W. Stetson website will be live in about one week. Along with the website, Big Thimble went to work on promotional brochures as well as an all new, soon to be released, Facebook page.

We have thoroughly enjoyed working with Mr. Benton and the entire B.W. Stetson staff and look forward to a long friendship. We have also found a new found respect for a company that truly means it when they say they are working very hard to offer the very best to their customers. We have seen it first hand.

Stay tuned for the unveiling coming soon!