Big Thimble is well known for our award winning web designs. That is a fact! Now we are taking this same desire for perfection into video production, SEO services, marketing and web hosting services. Big Thimble is proud to have partnered with the SEO and Marketing gurus at ClearBridge Media and the geniuses in the studio at Glasstown Productions to offer a powerhouse of services to create the perfect marketing and advertising package for you and your venture.

Video Production:

Looking for a professional commercial, video production or anything video related? Look no further. Big Thimble now offers amazing video production services for projects large and small.

SEO Services:

Search Engine Optimization is critical to making sure your amazing new web presence gets seen. Big Thimble is now offering a first class team of experts to help you ensure that you get seen and ranked across the worldwide web.

Marketing Services:

Google Ad Words, Online Marketing, Print Media and more. Get a jump on your competition with amazing marketing services that will propel your business to the front of the field.

Hosting Services:

Self hosting your site is smart but sometimes not the perfect scenario. Big Thimble now offers world class hosting services to take the pressure off. The best part? We offer the hosting but you never lose control of your greatest asset…..your online presence.

We are very excited about our new offerings and can guarantee your 100% satisfaction. The same thing you have come to expect from Big Thimble.

For any of the above services, contact us here at Big Thimble and let us prove to you why we can help you with all of your marketing, SEO, video production, hosting and (of course) web and graphic design needs. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals. By Chance? By Design.